5 SMART WAYS TO SET WORK PRIORITY! – Prioritizing work like a talented Manager

Each day, managers face a multitude of tasks. If they are unable to set work priorities effectively and manage or organize them efficiently, it could turn into a highly challenging and headache-inducing day. They may have to take responsibility for strategic tasks, long-term planning, internal assignments, and tackle external organizational matters.

If a manager is unable to prioritize tasks effectively, it can have several negative impacts:

  • Slower Work Pace
  • Bottlenecks
  • Delayed Decision-Making:
  • Stalled Progress
  • Lack of Progress
  • Dissatisfied Customers
  • Reduced Organizational Efficiency
  • Missed Targets
  • Stagnation

Therefore, prioritizing tasks for managers is crucial because understanding this concept can lead to the following benefits:

  • Increased Productivity
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Accelerated Internal Processes
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction
  • Exceeding Sales Targets
  • Heightened Company Growth

This article has provided 5 effective ways to set work priorities for skilled managers, aiming to improve daily work efficiency and performance. It serves as a valuable guideline for managers seeking to enhance their productivity and achieve better results

5 Ways to Set Work Priority

1. Start by creating a task list Every day, before beginning work

The first thing a manager should do is to write down a comprehensive task list that includes pending tasks. Many people might even do this the night before or during the evening. This principle is crucial because many managers tend to start their work by turning on their computers and checking emails, which is a risky way to begin. Once you enter the online world, it’s easy to get distracted, and hours may pass before you actually focus on important tasks.

Therefore, the most important first step is to gather your focus and jot down a record of the tasks that need to be accomplished today.

2. Identify tasks based on importance and urgency

Once you have compiled the task list, avoid diving into work immediately by simply going through it with a check-list approach. This method is not very efficient and reduces the chances of completing all tasks successfully. Instead, you should start by gaining an overall perspective of all the tasks at hand. Then you can determine which tasks are important and which ones are urgent. Or you can even see those that are both urgent and important, which require your immediate focus for today.

3.Prioritize the tasks After analyzing and categorizing tasks

Based on importance and urgency, you can proceed to decide what needs to be done personally (Do), what can be delegated to the team (Delegate), and what can be postponed for another time (Delay) if it’s not necessary to do within today.

4. Allocate time for each task

This is similar to when we plan to study for an exam or do an exercise from a textbook (some people may not have done this before). We need to allocate specific time for each exam question to ensure that we complete the test within the given timeframe. Similarly, in any work task, managers should plan and allocate clear timeframes. Without this, tasks may be continuously worked on without clear deadlines, leading to inefficiency. For example, how a manager can schedule their daily tasks:

  • Planning task: Approximately 1 hour
  • Coordinating with the factory: Around 30 minutes
  • Communication with suppliers: 30 minutes
  • Meeting with the accounting department: 20 minutes
  • Team coaching: Another 1 hour
  • Zoom meetings with two customers, each lasting 30 minutes

Afterward, take each task and slot it into the daily schedule. With this approach, it becomes evident what needs to be accomplished in the day.

5. Manage Interruptions Effectively

Even though we may have a well-defined schedule with specific tasks assigned to certain time slots, in the real work environment, there are often unexpected interruptions. Customers may call, colleagues may need to discuss urgent matters, or other unforeseen events may occur, disrupting our planned work. To handle these interruptions effectively, managers can employ several techniques.

One useful technique is to allocate some buffer or free time within each time block. For example, if the schedule is planned from 09:00 to 10:30, and from 10:30 to 11:00, you can set aside 30 minutes as ‘Free Time.’ This allows room for handling unexpected calls or discussions without completely derailing your schedule. Similarly, in the afternoon, you can allocate two ‘Free Time’ slots. This way, you’ll have more focus and dedication to follow the planned work schedule.

Having read this article up to this point, I believe you may have gained some ideas on how to set work priorities and organize daily tasks more effectively. I encourage you to apply these techniques and see how they improve your work performance. Give it a try, and I hope you achieve positive results!

Credit :  https://deoneacademy.com/5-ways-to-set-work-priority-for-manager/

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