How should new employees conduct themselves during the probationary period

Prove to everyone that they made the right choice.

The probationary period is a crucial time for new employees to demonstrate their abilities and maximize their potential. Part of this is to prove that they are capable of doing the job. The company should hire you, or if you have more potential than what the company expected, you might even receive a better and more suitable offer. Therefore, new employees should give their best during this probationary period.

Adhere to the organization’s rules strictly.

During the orientation day, new employees typically receive explanations about company policies, regulations, and even the organization’s values and business goals. If we respect and follow these rules and regulations well, without feeling restricted or conflicted, it shows that we can work in the organization smoothly without any issues.

Explore the work and learn the organizational culture from colleagues.

Attitude and relationships with colleagues are key factors in working within an organization. In terms of work, we can learn from our colleagues. To observe and make an effort to develop ourselves are important keys success during probation so that we can integrate into the organization as quickly as possible, including understanding the organizational culture. Each organization has its unique culture, and the probationary period is a time for new employees to learn and adapt to see if they can fit into that culture.

Don’t hesitate to ask.

Being a new employee is no different from being a new student in school. It’s perfectly normal to not know everything when you’re new. What new employees should do is asking questions, whether from colleagues or even the boss, to gain a better understanding. Sometimes, the fear of asking about something you don’t know, or even having a high ego that’s afraid of being seen as unknowledgeable, can lead to detrimental consequences in the workplace. What should definitely be avoided is making random guesses or assumptions, as this can lead to errors and subsequent negative consequences.

Inspect after every task is completed.

Being detail-oriented is a valuable trait in the workplace and can help reduce mistakes. After completing a task, it’s important to conduct an inspection to ensure there are no errors. Making this a habit will lead to more efficient work and fewer mistakes.

Make mistakes, but don’t make the same mistake twice.

We all make mistakes from time to time, but repeating the same mistake over and over shows a lack of attention to your work and an unwillingness to improve and develop yourself. When you make a mistake, it should be a lesson, and you should strive not to make the same mistake again.

Avoid absences and lateness if possible.

During the probationary period, unless absolutely necessary, you should avoid taking time off or arriving late. While these actions may not directly relate to your job performance, they reflect your responsibility and discipline. HR departments often take these factors into account when evaluating new employees in their probationary period.

Keep an open mind; don’t be a full glass.

Entering a new or unfamiliar social environment should be met with an open mind. Be like an empty glass, ready to receive new things, learn, and adapt to new surroundings. Try to be flexible and make an effort to get to know your new colleagues.

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